A Story Worth Telling Read online

Chapter 1

  My story is not exactly the happiest one in the world, but it is definitely one worth telling. Before you start reading, though, I want to tell you my dog dies. I do not like books that introduce you to the character and you learn to love them and then they die and you end up sobbing. No, this is not one of those books, because if I really wanted someone crying over my book I would have chosen something much more heartbreaking. I know that books that make you cry are the ones that truly speak to you, but come on, do you really want to cry? If you answer “yes,” then you can put this story down and read something else, but who knows, if you do, you just might be missing out.

  From about the age of seven or eight, my stepfather, Caleb, abused me with words full of cruelty and hatred. He would say horrible things to me and my mother.

  But, the worst part was that we were both too scared to do anything about it. Caleb always had a friendly smile on in public. When I had a friend over, he was welcoming with his pearly white teeth, dark black hair, and chocolate brown eyes. But, beauty only runs so deep. My friends always said that my dad was awesome and that they wished their dad was as kind and friendly.  I just smiled and nodded my head.

  My big brother, Chris, would have stood up to him, but we would never burden him with more trouble than he already had. He was in college and had many important tests to study for. Caleb knew this and used it to his advantage.  Luckily, my mother and I had a saving grace. During spring break, Christmas, summer, and those types of holidays when Chris came home, Caleb would stop and my mother and I would be saved.

  At the start of the summer when I was transitioning from the elementary school to the middle school, I was anxiously awaiting Chris while Caleb was trying to get things ready for our wonderful family vacation. Honestly, I was not listening because I was so excited.

  Frightening Caleb was not the only reason why I loved Chris so much.  For one thing he was the best brother in the world! He loved and cared about me and my mother so much, and he had amazing hazel eyes, a warm smile with beautiful teeth and dark jet-black hair. It did not surprise me that he had a girlfriend which he told us about on Skype two months ago. , His girlfriend was absolutely lovely with her dark, black curls and electric blue eyes.

  While Caleb was screaming at us, Chris decided to use the back door to surprise us. He knew we always left the back door unlocked during the day. So, while Caleb was saying those awful things, Chris was outside the door listening to everything. It was awful. I held back tears that were going to spew from my bright green eyes. When my mom tried to talk back to him (which is probably the bravest thing I have ever seen her do), he raised his hand and she flinched. I was horrified.

  “Stop!” Chris shouted. “Get out now!”

  I had never seen him so angry. After what seemed like forever, Caleb left. But, before he did he shouted “I thought you were my son!”

  I looked up at Chris and It looked like he was holding back tears.

  ”Pack as much stuff as you can in one suitcase and come down stairs.”

  My mom rushed upstairs, but I stayed put.  My mom always said I was as stubborn as a mule.  I guess that is what she gets for raising me in New Orleans.

  “What’s going on?” I demanded

  “I...I...” he stuttered. “Please pack we’re leaving,” he said.

  My eyes narrowed then got a wide a saucers.

  “Leaving?!” I screeched. “We can’t leave! What about my friends? What about Annabelle’s pool party?” I shouted.

  Chris stayed calm.

  “Please pack,” was his only answer.

  “Fine!” I shouted.

  When I got upstairs, I felt guilty. I should have never shouted at Chris.  All my memories of him were full of happiness, except for the day he first came with Caleb.

  I packed my favorite clothes, my favorite jewelry, a sketch pad, pencils, crayons, markers, paint brushes, my book that I was reading, and my favorite stuffed animal -Jingles.  He was a small teddy bear with a bow around his neck that made a jingling sound whenever you moved him, hence the name “Jingles.” The teddy bear was from my real father.

  My real dad’s name is...or should I say “was”? Yes, “was” would be more appropriate.  My real dad’s name was Sean.  He was awesome. I have very few memories of him, but my favorite is how he used to eat his pizza. He would start at the top then go to the next corner, and then the next. I would always giggle at him.  He would ask me what was wrong, and I would keep laughing.  This would go on for a minute or two, then he would put down his pizza and playfully tackle me.  I would squeal with joy. When we were done with our play fight, we would laugh together, and he would tell me I had a beautiful smile and kiss me on the forehead. On August 3rd, 1999, my daddy died of a heart attack. I still do not know why.  He was so healthy. Why did he have to go?

  I started crying.  I was startled.  I had been staring off into space for the last five minutes.  I took a deep breath, I needed to pull myself together. I started to descend the stairs, then realized I had forgotten something.  I ran upstairs and grabbed my most treasured picture then ran back downstairs. The picture was of me, my mom, and my dad.  I missed him so much.

  Chapter 2

  When I got into the car, Chris and my mom were discussing how temporary this was going to be.  I let out a sigh of relief.  I slept for most of the ride to the hotel we were staying at.

  A few hours later, we were all unpacked  in a hotel called, The New Orleans East Area Hotel.  It was a single room and it was very basic. There were two beds (my mom and Chris would take the beds for the first night and I would sleep on the floor and then we would rotate every night).  It was $57 dollars per night.  I knew we could afford more, and so did Caleb, but we did not want to risk him finding us.

  Chris and Mom both worked at the same place that summer which was good because Caleb had taken the other car. My mom was a lawyer and she used her vacation days on this particular week to help us settle in.

  On July second (my birthday), Chris and my mom came to the hotel room with a large box with several holes in the top.  I, however, was pouring over A Study in Scarlet.  They put their large burden in the closet and let me be.

  At dinner, we had my favorite meal and cake for dessert.  I knew something was fishy.

  Later that night, Chris told me to close my eyes, so I obeyed him.  I heard his footsteps getting farther away, the closet door opening, and then his footsteps coming closer.  I heard the top of the box coming off.

  “You can open your eyes now.” My mom told me.

  I opened them and was face to face with a pair of big, innocent, green, eyes.

  “Happy birthday!” Mom and Chris shouted.

  I clutched my birthday present.  It was the most adorable puppy in the world.  She was white with large brown spots and floppy ears that went down to her neck.

  “What kind of dog is it?” I asked.

  “I don’t know what she is,” my mom said putting an emphasis on the word she.

  “What are you gonna name her?” Chris asked.

  I thought.

  “Missy.” I said.

  “Missy?” Mom echoed.

  “Yes,” I confirmed “Missy.”

  Missy was perfect.  I had always wanted a dog and, now, I had gotten my wish and named her Missy.

  Chapter 3

  Missy and I grew up together. We loved each other from middle school to freshman year of high school.  At least, I hope she loved me as much as I loved her.

  I made new friends and went to the Susan B. Anthony Middle School and High School.  We never actually lived in our old house ever again.  We moved to a town that was about twenty minutes away, so I got to see my
old friends sometimes, but they had changed.... a lot.... or maybe I had changed.  

  My best friends were Maggie, Molly, and Caitlin.  Maggie had short, dirty blond hair and she made strange yelping noises when she was excited.  Molly also had dirty blond hair (as did Caitlin), was a little bit on the shorter side, and she loved her two cats.  Caitlin had very puffy hair and always seemed to be smiling or laughing.

  Those were my best friends, but Missy was even more special. We did everything together, sleeping, eating, walking to school.

  “She is something,” Chris would say almost every day when he was home from college.

  I remember that fateful day when my world was turned upside down.

  I was getting ready for school and Missy had somehow gotten outside, but no one had noticed.  Chris was sleeping in despite being a morning person.  My mom was making breakfast.  Missy had settled down outside to take a nap.  A few minutes later, as I was eating pancakes with my mom, a large truck came rumbling by.  Missy loved trucks and she decided that she loved this one. She ran out to greet it.  I was not looking out the window.  But as I looked up, it all happened so quickly.  The brakes squealed and I heard a yelp. Not the kind of yelping noise that Maggie, my friend, makes, but a dog’s cry of surprise and pain.

  “No!” I screamed.

  I ran out the door, but it was too late.

  I ran up to Missy’s lifeless body.  I held her as tightly as I could.

  “You stupid dog,” I told her.

  “I thought you loved me!” I yelled.

  “Honey, she did love you,” my mom told me in a soothing voice.

  “No she didn’t!” I shot back tears rolling down my cheeks.

  “If she really did, then why did she leave me?” I said in a smaller voice.

  “It was her time hon, remember, all things happen for a reason.”

  “But what is that reason? I want to know the reason.” I whined trying not to cry again.

  “We all do sweety. We all do.”

  Chris and the truck driver were talking and the truck driver whose name was Jimmy was apologising a lot.

  “I’m really sorry.” he said in a deep voice. “It was  just I-”

  I cut him off

  “It’s...” I did not know what to say. I could not say it was alright because it was not. My mom answered for me.

  “Really, it’s okay. My daughter just needs some time to adjust.”

  “Okay ma’am,. I’m so sorry.” Then, JImmy left.  That day was August third.  I now had two reasons to remember August third.


  Life went on and it was okay... I guess.  I was more happy than sad for the next few months....kind of.

  I went on with high school and things really did get better.  I was prom queen, got accepted into the college of my choice, and I kept my friends close.  I got a new dog named Duke and he is great, but I still missed Missy.  No one could ever be as good as Missy.


  “I am proud to announce our valedictorian, Sandra King!”

  There was a loud applause from the audience as I went up to the podium.

  “Thank you everybody.” I said into the microphone.

  I took a deep breath and started my speech.

  “Have you ever had someone you love taken away from you?  It may have been death who was the thief, or maybe it was time that stole the person you thought you knew.  You may ask ‘Why me?’ When it happens, just remember that everything happens for a reason.  I know you want to know why, but it’s part of your destiny and destiny is a funny thing.  Knowing the ‘why’ of something doesn’t change what happened.  It may make you feel better; however, rest assured, even if you don’t have the answers, it all works out in the end.  Trust yourself, and with time and perspective, you might realize that things might not be so bad.  And, while you might disagree at the time, when you are ready, you will see that light at the end of the tunnel.  Thank you.”

  My mom and Chris beamed at me.  I had done it.  I had found my light.